Thursday, June 9, 2016

Put Others First - Phil 2:3-4 - Devotional Scripture

"It is all too easy - whether in business, family, or church - to view others from the perspective of how they can benefit us. We value them for what we can get from them, rather than focusing on  how we can serve them in Jesus's name." - Our Daily Bread - June 9, 2016

This weekend's challenge is to purposefully and intentionally put others first.  Look for opportunities to be compassionate when you don't feel like being compassionate.  Show love to others and serve them when all you really want to do is serve yourself.  Give up your right to be right and let the discussion go.  Show grace to others realizing that you have no idea what they are going through.

It is easy to say I'm going to put others first but it's quite another thing to do it. We can't do it in our own strength.  It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that it can be practiced. This weekend, as opportunities arise to practice selflessness, ask God to help you put aside your own agenda and think of others first.


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