Thursday, March 10, 2016

Colossians 2:3 Nothing But Jesus - Devotional Scripture

. . . in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3

All of the wisdom and knowledge you need to get through life successfully is found in Jesus. Everything we need for life and godliness is found in Him. It’s that simple.  Some people do not accept this truth.  They want to add to the truth of God’s word. As a believer in Christ, there is no need to go beyond what is written in the Scriptures. There is nothing more, nothing less, nothing else we need but Jesus. But the treasures in Christ can be hidden by unbelief.

There was a time in my life that I lived in darkness and oppression. I was held captive by my fearful thoughts. I had the knowledge of Christ in my head but I didn’t have the wisdom, the ability to apply the truth I had learned to my life. I really didn’t believe that the answer to all my problems could be found in Christ. Instead of turning to Him and trusting Him completely, I tried everything the world had to offer to try and fix what was broken inside of me.  I read self-help books, I went to counselors, and I even tried this pill and that supplement trying to get relief from my suffering but nothing worked.

It wasn’t until I prayed and ask God to help me with my unbelief that things started to change and the oppression lifted. Now I believed wholeheartedly that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are stored up and kept in Christ.  We have access to wisdom and knowledge to live a life of peace, joy and freedom. There is nothing more, nothing less, nothing else that we need but Jesus.

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